Saturday, March 10, 2012

Tips to Boost Your Memory

You might assume that your memory is something that's just the way it is, and cannot be enhanced. It's even accepted as unavoidable that, over time, your memory is going to become less dependable. The fact is, however, lots of researchers and memory experts have proven that there are ways to enhance your memory. Our focus in this report is to give you a few simple ways to help you enhance your memory.

One particular trick utilized by all memory experts is to use association when you're trying to recall something. You learn to create a picture in your mind that you will connect to what you would like to remember. These associations simply have to mean something to you, and they can be absurd or not logical. Actually, the stranger and more vivid the images are, the more quickly you're going to recall them. This is perfect for remembering names. When an individual is introduced to you the very first time, quickly associate their name with a unique visual image. The next time you see, or talk to, that particular person you'll get a picture in your mind of the image you selected and, voila, their name will be right on the tip of your tongue.

One other strategy that works very well is repetition. If there is a word, or maybe a foreign phrase, that you need to embed in your mind, say it again and again to yourself often. This might sound easy, but it works, and it's a really viable technique when you must remember something. It generally helps to record it, so you can look at it frequently. That's why flash cards are a highly effective tool for learning anything that calls for memorization, such as a new language. Nonetheless, it's up to you to do the repetitions frequently if you really want this method to work for you. You need not do this for a long period, but you must do it consistently. Imagine, for example, you wish to remember the password for your ATM card but, of course, they advise you not to write it on paper. Simply repeat the number at least one time a day and it will not be long before it's second nature. Repetition is a vital principle regardless of what it is you're attempting to recall.

The way your brain is functioning has a great effect on your ability to remember what you're reading or studying. Being more at ease when you're studying or reading is a huge help in memory retention, and you can accomplish this by taking a couple of deep breaths before you begin as well and every now and then until you finish. There is even music that's been developed to help you loosen up and modify your brain waves so your mind is more conducive to learning. No matter what sort of music that calms you will help you with this. Even tracks that feature the sounds of nature - including rainfall or waves on a beach - will give you excellent results. Additionally, there are soundtracks that create brain wave patterns enhanced by binaural beats that really put your brain into overdrive for learning. But merely remaining at ease and taking some deep breaths every now and then will help greatly. Additionally, you will stay more alert if you watch your posture. Sit up straight and keep from slouching or slumping over in your chair.

So, if you want to make your memory stronger - and who doesn't need to? - or if your memory is lagging and you want to sharpen it again, follow the tips we've mentioned above, as they are among the best ways to reach this goal Just like everything else, you have to focus on these strategies consistently if you want your memory to get better. Having the goal of boosting your memory can itself be helpful, as you'll then be more inclined to pay closer attention when learning new information.

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