Monday, March 19, 2012

Train Your Memory

There are several memory training tips that are effective, and can help you improve your ability to remember numbers, dates names and other things that are important. Your diet is one of the many factors, along with exercise and how you use your mind, that can affect your memory. Muscles get stronger when you use them, and you memory will get better when you use it.

Social isolation, especially with the elderly, is a large reason behind their inability to remember simple things; usually, people think it is a biological reason for their memory loss when it is not. By not socializing with other people, you run the risk of having memory issues no matter how old you are. You can do many things to improve your memory like playing word games or reading challenging books. However, socializing will definitely improve your cognizant abilities. The reason that socializing works is that you will more than likely have to remember a person's name and a little bit about them when you see them again. Staying active might mean going to social gatherings, whether a church, it rotary club, or some other social event in your community.

Chunking is a memory technique that has proven to be very effective. If you can break things down into more manageable pieces, or chunks, it's easier to remember them. A good example of this is the way you remember a number such as a social security number or phone number. It is simple to remember three numbers in a row, or even four. By breaking longer numbers down, they are easier to retain. A grocery list is a great example of something that you categorize into smaller chunks so you can remember what to get once at the store. An example of this would be getting your vegetables, then your meat, and so on.

In order to remember things better, right before you go to sleep, research says to think about those things. Relaxing is the answer, not spending long hours trying to remember. Reading over several times what you have written down is the best way to remember the information. It's even better if you say it out loud as well, as this helps to reinforce it. After going over the material a few times, go to sleep and there's a good chance it will stay with you the next day. The audio of what you are trying to learn can be played before you go to sleep, and will remember it. While you are sleeping, not only are you relaxing, but your memory is being improved because of the material your brain is processing.

Anyone who is interested in learning memory improving techniques has many options to choose from. You can take supplements, exercise more, learn new skills or learn some memory enhancing strategies taught by various books and courses. To have the best results possible, implement as many memory improving strategies as you can in order to make your memory the best that it can be.

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